Dr. Eleni Naziri
Position: Assistant Professor
Subject: Food Biochemistry
Phone: (0030) 22540-83129
Email: enaziri(at)aegean.gr
Webpages: Google Scholar
2250 Food Biochemistry
3050 Technology of foods of plant origin
Ph.D. at Chemistry (2013) (State Scholarships Foundation). Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
M.Sc. at Food Chemistry and Technology (2009) (State Scholarships Foundation). Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
B.Sc. at Chemistry (2007). Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Dr Eleni Naziri is interested in the following topics:
(a) optimization of biotechnological processes for the production of functional food components with Industrial interest and examination of their antioxidant/pro-oxidant activities,
(b) valorization of waste and by-products derive by food sector for the recovery and/or production of high-added value compounds and
(c) design and production of novel food products with functional properties.
Prospective research students interested in doing a research degree (PhD, MSc) with Dr Naziri should contact her via email [enaziri(at)aegean.gr] attaching a short CV.