Dr. Efthymios Poulios
Position: Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP)
Subject: Microbiology
Phone: (0030) 22540-83120
Email: epoulios(at)aegean.gr
Webpages: Google Scholar, Scopus
1150 CELL BIOLOGY (Theory & Laboratory)
1450 GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY (Theory & Laboratory)
1800 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY I (Laboratory)
2150 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY II (Laboratory)
3250 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Laboratory)
Dr. Efthymios Poulios is a graduate of the Biology department of Αristotle University of Thessaloniki (2002), and holder of a PhD from the Department of Medicine of the University of Thessaly (2006), which was proceeded at the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Aging, of the Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology, of the National Research Foundation, on the subject of the effect of hypoxia on the senescence of human fibroblasts.
He was appointed an Educational Laboratory Assistant in the academic subject "Microbiology" at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the University of the Aegean in July 2016, while he was transferred to the position of Laboratory Teaching Staff in December 2017.
At the research level, he has worked as a postdoctoral researcher/scientific associate in various university departments and laboratories. Specifically, in the Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, Department of Medicine, University of Ioannina (2013-2015), in the Laboratory of Physiology of Animal Organisms, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University of Thessaly (2011), and in the Laboratory of Gene Expression, Molecular Diagnostics and Modern Therapeutics, in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, of the Democritus University of Thrace (2008). His diploma thesis as an undergraduate student, was proceeded at the Laboratory of General Microbiology of the Biology Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2001), and his internship, within the framework of the EPEAEK program, at the Hemostasis-Thrombosis Laboratory of the 1st Pre-Educational Pathology Clinic of the General University Hospital of Thessaloniki AHEPA.
At the teaching level, he has been teaching in several university departments. Specifically, in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the University of the Aegean (in the undergraduate program during the academic years 2011-13, and 2016 to date, and in the course "Pharmaconutrients and health promotion" in the Postgraduate Program "Nutrition, Wellbeing and Public Health", from 2020). He was also teaching at the Department of Agriculture, Plant Production and Rural Environment, University of Thessaly (2015-16), at departments of the former TEI of Thessaly (2009-11), and at the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Harokopio University of Αthens (2008-09). He supervises/supervised 1 master's and 3 undergraduate diploma theses, supervised another 3 undergraduate diploma theses, and participates/participated in the advisory committee of 5 master's and 29 undergraduate diploma theses.
He has published 6 research articles and 3 reviews in international scientific journals (with 120 references, h index 6, i10 index 6, Google Scholar). He has also been an invited reviewer in international scientific journals and reviewed a total of 4 scientific articles. He presented his research work in 4 international and 12 greek conferences, with 18 papers in total. He also participated in 4 research projects.
Doctoral Diploma (Ph.D.) Department of Medicine, University of Thessaly - Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Aging, Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology, National Research Foundation, Greece. "Effect of hypoxia on senescence of human fibroblasts" (2006).
Degree in Biology (B.Sc.) Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece (2002).
Cloning and expression of proteins in prokaryotic systems.
Study of the protein pattern of microorganisms.
Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of nanoparticles.
Molecular and cellular study of hypoxia in senescence and cell survival of human cells.
Oxidative stress, cell signaling and apoptosis.
Antioxidant, anticancer and anti-angiogenic effect of plant extracts from herbs used in nutrition.